Friday, February 8, 2013

Could we consider Christopher Dorner a modern day hero?

We all know there are bad cops. This blog is dedicated to exposing them one at a time. With all the speculation on Christopher Dorner's motives we could see him as a hero right? He takes out the dirty cops of the LAPD. He is known for strong political views and is passionate against racism. I've always wanted to go undercover just to put the corrupt cops in jail. He has taken it to a another level. If this were a movie, which I'm sure someone out there is writing the screenplay right now, we would cheer for him. Hope that his love interest does not get caught up on his bullshit and hope that he makes it out alive and happy somewhere in the bahamas with a lemonade on the beach. Denzel Washington would play this role very well (if he already hasn't). I love the idea of a ex-cop turned cop killer. Before I heard about his past I had hoped he was a good cop taking out the bad cops and not the other way around. Cheers to the killer of corrupt cops! Social media is in an uproar. Creating pages supporting his cause. What if we have copy cats? Wow, wouldn't that be a thought. Stop bitching! Start a revolution right? Let's give him super powers. Fund his mission and give him the best tools the future can create. LAPD should be shaking in their boots. Its way too easy to recruit supporters. The league of extordinary expendables! I just hope the MEDIA reveals more truth to this reality. LAPD is hiding lots of shit and we'd love to shake our heads at it. Christopher Dorner may God be with you. If you decide to end your killing spree I applaud you. If you don't... I hope its a person that really does not deserve the life God has so graciously blessed him/her with. Don't stop at the crooked cops Christopher! Let's expose these rapists, child abusers, disgusting filth. Cheers to the modern day hero!