Monday, October 14, 2013

Springfield, IL Police really don't give a fuck. Highstrung police taze pregnant woman for no reason.

The video below is from earlier this year and has not received as much attention as it should. Thanks to the man with the camera we can see everything. There was no reason why the police officer should have tazed this woman and after everyone yelled that she is pregnant he does not keep his knee off her stomach. In the second video you can see that police claim they were fighting police. That's obviously a lie. They also said that she was tazed in the leg. That's a lie, she was tazed in the back. Also watch as the police try to block the video camera and distract the camera guy with questions. What is wrong with Cops? Why are they so fixed on pain and suffering? He could have killed the unborn child and felt no remorse. Cops are supposed to protect citizens. What has happened to our country. Cops have no boundaries. All around the country 20 cops will report to one incident and it will be only 1 or 2 people being arrested (keep in mind they are usually arrested for small amounts of drugs). Cops will be quick to respond to insignificant incidents while someone is being raped, kidnapped, or murdered two blocks over.

Where are the heroes? Shame on these police officers.

 I hope that she filed a law suit against this department.


Monday, October 7, 2013

Cops search for the limelight and break into an old lady's home without a warrent

According to, Texas police officers decided to break into an elderly woman's home on false marijuana charges. The officer brought along their cameras to collect footage for their YouTube reality show. The woman is fighting back and has sued Montgomery County, Texas, its District Attorney Brett Ligon, its Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth "Rowdy" Hayden, Precinct 4 Chief Barry Welch and three other deputy constables, in Federal Court. Cops are more worried about gaining stardom than saving a person's life. What happened to the honor of being a real hero? We desperately need police reform.